Much growth from a little Water

Much growth from a little Water

Much growth from a little Water

As the dry season progresses, we’ve had to put away our hoses and accept some losses to our gardens. But not if we’re into aquaponics, in fact, this self-sustaining system is the ideal combination of: AQUAculture (or fish farming) + hydroPONICS (growing plants without soil in watering and nutrients) = AQUAPONICS.

It’s simple and natural: The ammonia from fish waste is converted into nitrates, which feed the plants. The plant roots filter the water before it returns to the fish, and everyone is happy and healthy! The fish need to be fed and the water must be kept to a certain level, but never needs to be changed. It requires one tenth of the water we would use to sustain these plants in our gardens!

Once you’ve made the initial expense to install your aquaponics system, the savings and benefits are endless.

Aquaponics Cycle

Aquaponics Cycle

No watering
No weeding
No chemicals
More yield with less effort
Perfect for small homes or tight living spaces

Dry or rainy season, we need to put measures in place to live in a world where fresh water is a diminishing resource, and aquaponics is an easy and healthful change. Call or visit our nursery to view a home–sized system and get further information.

This article was written for Everywhere Tobago and published on their Issue 11 (April / May 2016). CLICK HERE to view the magazine.
